Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I've Come to Dislike Sleep...

Been up for the majority of the past three days. I'm not on anything, I haven't even puffed the magic dragon in a month. My job changed my sleep cycle and my midweek-weekend warped my sense of time.

I can't persue this job much longer. I intend to quit within the next few weeks, as soon as I catch up on some bills. Hmmm...ketchup on some bills. I dunno. Nevermind. Yes.

Drew Carey is Bob Barker, Bob Barker is Pat Sajack. Pat Sajack is a disgrace to the species. A broken black conch shell on the beach of humanity. The Milwakee's Best of homo sapiens. Reds and greens and yellows and purples. Where the hell does a mouse hole lead?

Yeah, bastards. Bastards, familiar bastards. Another special on soft news, another neglected and hidden. Channel 09, 08, 07, 05. A clever little countdown on the same thread of thought. Piercing the cloth of ambivilance and ambiguity.

So this is my thoughts on paper. How can this represent what is a man? How odd is the mystery of language. The faint shadow of language. These vibrations and air become O's and E's and R's by accident. And yet this is all I am. I was nothing before I spoke. I'll be nothing after.

These thoughts, things are thistles. Points trying to grow between the agate of information contained in the monopolized revelation of speech.

Animals think. Sponges reconize things. Nothing but us can see it. That language is the ultimate.

A man with no ambition is a piece of shit. A man with no language is an animal.

Praise Hymn! Praise Spur! Words are all you have in life and all you ever will.
I'm parked to the south, a simple son of man.

My friend Cone Anne taught me something. Every word is a choice. You few who do read this must know this. I can teach you nothing else for I know nothing else.

There's no statement you can endorse without an absurdist follow up question.

I love lamp.-- How hard?
You drink too much--of what?
They smell like feet-- What do their feet smell like?
We are broken. Which shop will repair you?

I thought of a joke today. I wanted to write it down before exhaustion chokes me out. Here it is, steal if you must, (it's really good):

I am making a student film to show my children what I did in college and why I can't afford their braces.

So this is the short and long of it, the up and down of it, the left and right of it. I should sleep like a human to transend humanity and sleep with a human to return to it. This is my thoughts as I prepare to die for a while. I should awake

Good morning, which is cab drive for good night.


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