Friday, May 05, 2006

I Think I'm Being Stalked

Once in a while, and I don't know how often, I get this weird interferance on my computer's speakers. It's usually some kind of blurry gibberish. The last two times I've heard it, the voice said something about a Dale Earnhadart jacket and getting married. At first I thought it was interference from trucker CB radios or ghosts, but now I'm not so sure.

Last night I saw a red car or hatchback drive up in front of my house. This vehicle had a tall antannae mounted on its side. I saw the driver hold something to his mouth and whenever that happened my speakers would get a garbled voice. After about two or three sentances the driver through the car in reverse and floored it off of my street.

Some conclusions I have drawn:
1- Someone hired a hitman.
2- Someone has fallen in love with my writing, and therefor me.
3- Somebody has too much free time.
4- Somebody is doing an experiment.

I think it could be possible for all or none of these to be correct. If anyone reading this has any information, I would really appreciate it. If anyone reading this is responsible, tell me. I won't be mad, I just want to know what the fuck is going on.


Blogger Joshua Beran said...

Are you sure you're not hitting the glass dick?

In all seriousness, I hope you're safe, and what's up with the hobo museum?

Mr. Heartland

6:44 PM  

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