Friday, October 12, 2007

Less Sleep means More Writing...

I have these terrifying lucid dreams.

I fall asleep and wake up every thirty minutes, or dream I'm waking up every thirty minutes. Leaving my fragile psyche with the impression that I'm awake for three, four or six hours after I pass out.

One or two isn't so bad. But it's all I've had since school started. Some kind of existential crisis or a reaction to the unholy amount of chemicals I need to make it through class are my most likely culprits in this whole thing.

I'm reminded of a mild neurosis I devloped as a cab driver. There was a week or three in there when I feared sleep. It became a sibling to dying and I didn't want my last memories before death filled with disappointment in the sacks of human shit I hauled around.

Once you work fifteen hours but still can't sleep Travis Bickle becomes your patron saint.


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