Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another 4 a.m. Post

It's four in the morning and the coffee is wearing off. I should stop but I won't. I never do. In that short state between the caffiene stopping and the sleep starting I find my best ideas.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about change. Everyday it happens. Everyday is something horrendous or beautiful or appaling or fulfilling for so many people. As I go about my daily routines, sometimes I can't help but wonder...

Everyday thousands of people die. Everyday thousands of people are born. People are raped, beaten stabbed mugged and get in car wrecks. Everyday people fall in love, achive their life's goal or simply find something that makes the next day worth living. People go to wars and people come home. Iraq, Germany, America, Columbia or the Congo. At any given moment somebody's life is shifting.

These people have daily routines. They have hum drum activities. Everyone does. Yet everyday, somewhere in this little blue ball something is happening that changes uncountable lives.

And here I sit.

Today wasn't life changing, but tomorrow my car could get T-boned. The day after I could get shot. Here I sit droning through life (sometimes) and maybe just down the street somebody's life has been completely shifted.

The obvious answer: enjoy life now. Cliche, I know, but remember tomorrow it could all be a diffrent story. Today somebody welcomed a new child into the world and somebody else put his cancer-ridden mother into the ground.

Sometimes the effects are direct. An old friend will comit suicide or get his girlfriend pregnant. However, I can't help but wonder when I walk down the street or see someone at a bus stop when the most recent major life change happened to them. We are completely oblivious to each others changes but they're still there.

As for now, I'm going to bed. Whatever tomorrow brings I'll deal with it when the time comes. As for my readers, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings. I know I did.


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