Saturday, March 11, 2006

A Little Fun

I was going through my old stuff a few days ago and I found my old journals (or diaries, if you will). I wrote these when I started getting interested in writing.

For those of you who knew me in high school, I probably gave off the impression that I was a good writer. I was not, as opposed to now, where I probably give off the impression that I am a good writer. (I am not.)

So for the sake of my own amusement/torturing my readers, I decided to post some of my old-school poems on here.

I call this coma-inducing piece

Trig class is boring
and it makes no sense
its stupid and frustrating
it makes my chest tense

Damn you Cushing
your numbers suck
We never had control
I don't give a fuck

Poor grades don't reflect
my struggle with the numbers
They twist in my head
I start swinging lumber

Machine gun pencil
jots down the wrong
will never end
it's taking too long!

Now the bell's ringing
sweet liberation
now I'm one period closer
to my daily salvation.

I'm particularly fond of the rhyming scheme. It has the classic effect of nails on a chalkboard.
My favorite thing is how it captures, just so perfectly, the daily classroom activity of swinging lumber.

Oh, here's a stinker. I was in my Lord of the Rings phase and decided to apply it to the four people that I would go to the park and smoke with.

"Lord of the Camels"

Manderin mint for Jenson, underneath his hair
Twists for the Moore, in his halls of fat
Stingers for Sieker, doomed to be thin
Crema's for the Dark Dan in his dark mind
In the land of Omaha, where the shadows lie.
One flavor to rule them all
One flavor to fight them
One flavor to bring them all
and in the darkness light them
In the land of Omaha
where the shadows lie.

What could be more epic then a bunch of high school students leaning on a wall smoking?

Here is my insitful commentary on the nature of reality.


What is evil?
Is it difference
is it opinions
is it fee will?

What is evil?
is it malice

What is evil?
Is it me

Who decides evil?
Is it God

Does evil exist?
Is it just a lie

Or is evil all things that exist
or no things that exist?
Does it begin in the heart
or with life?

And if there is no evil
is there no God?

Brilliant! I managed to find as many ways I could think of to say the same thing then cram it into on poem AND tack a moralistic rant on there just in case you didn't get it.

Okay, last one I swear, this is really fun for me.

"Teen Angst"

Leave me alone
okay look at me now
I'm negative goodness
A fattened sow.

I'm all I need
but you're all I want
approval and hate
give it up now.

Humiliating destruction
all for you!
You stupid bastard
it's never through.

I break and I scream
and for a while you care
then time goes by
and I'm alone in despair.

Best time in my life?
Youth is my hell.
Frustration and ignorance,
but it's just as well

Everything repeats
I'm trapped in this maze,
black and decaying
always in a daze.

Tears of irritation
now, please go,
I'm a sensitive bastard
but you'll never know

Teenagers trapped? Wow! That's as fresh and new as the hamburger I just crapped out. The only word in this poem that works is ignorance. The only way this could be more unappealing is if I took a shit on it. No, wait, that's a little too appropriate.


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