Thursday, February 16, 2006

Hide Part III

Author's Note: I thought I could add a little more depth to the poem I've been working on for two months. Much like in Howl, I think it will be three parts. This is the third part.


M.S.! I'm with you in Highland
Where you're more pathetic
than I am
I'm with you in Highland
where you must feel
betrayed and isolated.
I'm with you in Highland
where we both watched
your freedom fall apart
I'm with you in Highland
where you imitate
the life of your roommate
I'm with you in Highland
where a bad deal left you hungry
and alone
I'm with you in Highland
where you've skipped all your classes
for the eigth week in a row
I'm with you in Highland
where you did as you pleased
yourself to downlads and messages
I'm with you in Highland
where the shackles of addiction
deny the gratitude of fortune
I'm with you in Highland
where you banged the keyboard
until your fingers bled
I'm with you in Highland
where you packed up
for another timezone
I'm with you in Highland
where you scheduled two days
but went for three weeks
I'm with you in Highland
where you pack up and return
to your parents’ house in defeat
I'm with you in Highland
where a lifetime of thearapy
won't bring back the mind
I'm with you in Highland
where you sign the papers
and abandon the life
I'm with you in Highland
where you drink your last beer
as a civillian
I'm with you in Maryland
where you march in strict lines
while men in uniforms howl
I'm with you in Maryland
where you tried to get back
I'm with you in Maryland
where you saw a doctor
because it was too much
I'm with you in Maryland
where you fixed jeeps and dreamed
of the old life
I'm with you in Nebraska
where the addiction never stopped.


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