Monday, February 06, 2006

Instant Mesage Rudeness

I was sitting at my computer the other day, minding my own business. Between sessions of Warcraft and talking to JJ about urination, a friend of mine sent me a message over the AIM.

It was a link.

How rude is that? I'm trying to masterbate and some mother fucker thinks I need to take time out of my busy schedule of self-pleasure to click on something he/she thinks is important?

If I was really that interested in what you have to show me, I probably would have found it myself and the fact that you find it neccesary to shove this on my screen when I have better things to do is really annoying.

How would you feel if you were hanging out somewhere, talkng to people or ruffeling your junk and I randomly ran up to you and threw a magazine in front of you and expected you to read the whole thing. You'd be pissed.

If you're going to send a link, at least have the courtesy to provide some context. If I ask you what's going on and you tell me what you're looking at, then offer to hook me up, that's fine. Maybe if it's some important major news event that is changing the world as I flog the dolphin, then I'll go.

But if it's some random link to the next shirt you're buying or some conspiracy that isn't even remotely accurate, please, keep that shit to yourself. I don't care.


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