Saturday, September 03, 2005

Saturday, March 05, 2005
Life is Beautiful (Sometimes)
It's days like to day that make life worth living.Days like today when all the pieces of life snap into place and everything is special. Life tastes better, the earth seems brighter, and no matter what happens, it's going to be okay.Life is so strange sometimes. It can be hell, if it wants to be. It can twist your emotions and cloud your mind. Depression can eat away your soul, and bitterness can posses your mind.Then something happens, something simple, inconsequential or asanine that can make heaven come to earth, and make God more visible than ever before.Today was my day. God smiled on me today whatever his plan, today I saw a tiny piece of it.I spent the first two-thirds of this week studying my ass off. I spent 15 hours in 2 days looking over material for classes that bore, irritate and anger me. I pissed away a chunk of my youth towards a degree that doesn't mean a damn thing.I got the first return today, a 94 percent on a Spanish test. Eliciting emotions in my soul I thought were dead. I looked at my girlfriend and saw the concern and appreciation more apparent than ever before, I saw friends I thought were long gone, and I had the best conversation I've had in a long time.The conversation is what will make today stick out in my mind for the rest of my life. When I think of this time in my life a decade from now, I will remember today.Sometimes a man cane sieze a moment, and expands it to severeal hours that you hope will never end, and leave you feeling drained and disappointed when they do."Ricky Martin has an island.""We should take over his island."Two sentances uttered that began a revalution of comedy. Four men from four different walks of life; a frat boy, a lawyer, a teacher and a burn out met at a gas station at 11:00 and spoke of torturing hobbits on an island stole from a long-forgotten pop star.All three of them clicked; nobody cloaked themselves in silence, everybody took their share of the laughs and nobody wanted to go.The comedy flowed from their mouths as they spoke of mushroom stamping hobbits and living in a swap castle. As the hours flew by, life was enjoyed and appreciated to a degree normally not seen.Why is life this way? Why must the good moments be so few and far between? Why must heaven be visible in small segments, and God seen in rapid bursts?Perhaps heaven is an unending conversation as the one mentioned above...When reality returned and they all went their seperate ways, a feeling crept over all of them, a feeling of dread. When will this happen again? Will it ever again? Will life ever be like this again? Will they ever get along this good again?Depleted and drained, they went about their business, the conversation was put to rest.The time had come to be gone. To press forward with their lives with only the hope in their lives that they could reach a moment like this again someday...
posted by Dan # 1:01 AM 2 comments


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