Saturday, September 03, 2005

Sunday, January 23, 2005
(warning, i was pretty hopped up on caffiene when i wrote this)It's 3 in the morning right now, and I've just finished an in-depth series of thoughts about my life.Although I know so little about anything that's going to happen in upcoming monthes, there is one thing I'm 100% sure of.I am no longer an Omaha-an. (I think thats the right term for person from Omaha)For 18 years I walked the streets of Omaha. I learned where things were, how to get to them, how to get back, and multiple routes to do each of those things. I knew where streets stood in relation to one another and how to get how from just about anywhere in the city.Now, 2 years later, I have forgotten almost all of the information that took the majority of my life to aquire.Now I have a good map of Lincoln swirling in my head. Everything is closer together, but not too close. The streeets make more sense, the scenary is better, the atmosphere more interesting.I am a Lincolnite.Whatever happens next, wheather I stay in school, drop out or die, it will result in me living in this city.Where I live in Lincoln is so much cooler than where I live in Omaha.In Omaha I live in the suburbs. The boring, facade-laden suburbs. Everything is so boring and flat looking. If not for the houses it'd be very close to looking like some part of Iowa.In Lincoln I live close to a lot of tall buildings, which looks cooler. To get downtown, I walk for ten minutes, not drive for 30.What the point of all this rambleing is, is that I am a Lincolnite. My hometown is now Lincoln. I can't imagine living anywhere else (right now) and I don't want to live anywhere else (barring me winning the lottery).Although Omaha has it's upside, it doesn't really compare to Lincoln, in my eyes.All our bars are consentrated in one area, the biggest university is there, and many other things await those bold enough to step into the exciting world of the nations capital. Everyday (for now) law makers are making decisions that will inevitably filter their way down to people reading this blog.What I'm trying to say with this posting, is where ever I go, Lincoln is my home now.
posted by Dan # 3:00 AM 0 comments


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