Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Bugging Out
The clock is ticking down on the end of the first semester.In two hours I will be done with my classes and begininng a sweet five day vacation from the hustle and bustle of school life. Whenever this happens, a very interesting phenomoenon occurs amongst the student population before the residence halls close.Keeping your ears open can yield a very simmilar pattern amongst student speech, they're all finalizing plans to leave this city.The constant sounds of complaints of long classes and excitement to leave flutter about the campus. The energy that normally flows around the union is gone, replaced by a fear of gridlock and gas prices associated with driving home to Kansas, Alsaka, or Omaha.Some people want to go, they're sick of class, and other want to stay, they don't like going home, but all people agree, class has taken its toll.Some people handle the pressure well, and some people escape through drugs and alcohol, and some just age quicker because of the constant flood of things that must be done.It's just part of the fun, going to a univsersity.Soon, very soon, everyone leaves to go, and will return to find that time is flying by and that finals are just around the corner, which will cause even more stress.Stress on top of stress leads to body pains and lack of sleep, a feelings of rushing is normal, and when it's all over, a student is left with a feeling of loss when he or she leaves the residence hall for (possibly) the last time.With the clock ticking until Thanksgiving, it's just a time to reflect before the torrential flood of finals time.
posted by Dan # 2:44 PM 1 comments


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