Saturday, September 03, 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005
And Three Months Later...
So this summer will end the way it began: with a mohawk.I remember the day I got my first hawk. It was for the Greenday concert. I had no idea when I first shaved my head this way how different things would become just thre months later.When I got that cut, I was in love. When I get this cut, I am out of it.Three months of seperation proved to be too much for my relatioship with her. I lovd her, and I will always love her as a friend, but the seperation and the differences and the bullshit ultimatly won out over a relationship based on boredom, just the same though, I don't regret anything I did with her.When I made my hair radical, I lived in the dorms. When I make my hair diferent, I'll be on my own.I have rejected my parent's authority. I am my own man now and I have a long road ahead of me. Sometimes it is difficult for me to grasp the concept of my independance. It feels like any moment now I will have to back up my shit and return to Omaha, but I know that can never happen. I'm still in shock that I am truly home now.When I first wore this socially unacceptable haircut, I didn't know who my true friends were. As I get the same haircut, I know damn well who they are.The one I can trust, the ones on my crew have proven their importance to my life time and time again this summer. From my deep dark pit of my depresion in her place to the triumphant move into my own place, they have stood by me. I can't thank them enough and sadly, none of them will probably ever read these words.When I got chopped the first time I was a journalism major, when I get chopped this time, I will be an English and Teaching major.I think I finally know where my life needs to be and I know how to get their. This isn't going to be easy, and I have seen many people fall around me, but I know I can do it.And three months later I am another step closer to graduation. My second to last summer vacation is about to draw to a close. What these next nine month will entail, nobody can say. All I can say is I am as rady as I can be.Rest In Peace Summer of 2005
posted by Dan # 7:57 AM 1 comments


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