Saturday, September 03, 2005

Sunday, June 19, 2005
I Hate Homeless People
When did it become a bad thing to be a functional member of society?When did going to work and earning your way become something to be responded to with negative sanctions? Why does the money I work for have to go to people who don't deserve it while I lose rent money to these steaming piles of waste?I was sitting outside of work the other day. I was minding my own business smoking and speaking to my co-worker. We were speaking of life and the meaning of being human when a fire truck pulled up a half block away. Being human and therefore naturally curious, we went to investigate.Guess what? It was a hobo. Guess what? He was getting free medical care from the fire department. Want to know who's paying for it?If you have a job, well then insert your name right fucking here ________.Another thing that pisses me off about the fucking bums is the way they act like they don't make money when in fact they do. They st on the streets and ask for free stuff. Preying on your sense of pity they can ruin an entire evening just in the name of not getting a job. How about this for an idea: PUT DOWN THE MOUTH WASH AND PICK UP AN APPLICATION!There's no disease or disability that is so crippling that you can live on the streets but not sit behind a counter and babble "Would you like fries with that?" or even easier cleaning toilets and dusting fingerprints.If I were the president I would make vagrancy an executable offense. I am willing to send troops and police on a country wide sweep to round them all up and send them to special 'hobo fun camps' where they will be kept busy being made into candles and combs.Did you know that bums get welfare? They get tax free none fro begging and money from the government just for being a piece of shit! Again, guess who's fucking paying for it!I have to make thirty dollars worth of food last for two weeks. They get free food and free money. They get all these perks like unlimited free time and zero-cost medical care and I have to foot the bill. Well fuck the homeless.
posted by Dan # 3:17 AM 3 comments


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