Saturday, September 03, 2005

Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Moving On
This is going to be my very last posting from a residence hall. For the past two years I have lived on university property on my parent's money. It has been a good two years. I have learned a lot and experianced a lot in those two years. I've made good friends, I've forgotten many, I've hated a few. Through it all I have managed to maintain the Feuerbach semblence of sanity. In less then a week after this posting I will be moving out and moving on...My first apartment.This is going to be a scary but exciting time in my life. For the first time I will be on my own. I will have a car payment, gas bills and rent. I will be responsible for going to work and responsible for feeding myself. I can honestly say I've never been this vervous before in my life.On the same idea though, I am extremely excited for this. This is going to be my life how I want it, and in the way I want it done. I won't come home from work to my parent's house or even a roof they are paying for. This is going to be MY apartment.And with this winding down, I have been given a chance to refelct upon how I've grown in the past two years, especially this past year. When I came down here for my second year in college I had a dream. I was going to be he next great investigative reporter.Now, over 80 stories later I know now that this is not what I was intended to do with my life. This fantasy was completely beaten out of me by the Daily Nebaskan. When I left the DN it was like a break up. I was sad and I felt like shit constantly. And through it all, Marde stood by me and has been nothing but supportive thourgh it all and I love her for it.I have gone to the reservation and saw a world of sorrow I had no idea existed. I saw many people I was close to lose interest in everything and rot away by themselves. I made friends with somebody I didn't understand and stood silently entertaned as that was thrown away in a stupid understanding.I managed to sustain a relationship for a full year. That woman and I have been through a lot together. I can say that the three months I spent away from her, and will spend away from her, are totally worth it, because she is totally worth it. I have seen every aspect of Marde and I haven't seen anything I didn't like.And with the semester winding down and a whole new life for me on the horizon, I must prepare myself, because as much as I've changed during my second year of school, I have a feeling this summer is going to shrink he accomplishments of my sophomore year to an absurd degree.
posted by Dan # 3:31 PM 4 comments


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