Saturday, July 08, 2006

On Consciencenous

What does it mean to be conscience? It means being able to focus on something and then process that information through the filter of memory. So in effect the state of being is simply: Attention + memory = conscience.

All Dan, John Stamos and Adolf Hitler are and were is the ability to precieve and remember. But does my life lose any value because I can be broken down into a series of neurotransmitters and cells? Is it inherantly bad that my personality, social prowess and love for porn is nothing but electricity and chemicals?

I don't think so. The ability to understand how a people understand is the inherant beauty in being human. I can concieve of how I concieve. Visualiz how I visualize. The very fact that I have a cortex makes me supierior to so many other living things on earth.

Which inevitably leads to the question: Because I can use something do I have the right to use it all I want?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Man on the Moon

Fuck you Neil Armstrong.
You think you're so goddamn special because you were the first man to walk on the moon.
That's nothing.
Alan Shepard played golf.
That's infinitly more bad ass than walking.
You're such a honky.
I walk all the goddamn time.
Hell, I walked here.
I never play golf. That's a feat!
A feat you were to much of a puss
to try.
Not only did Alan Shepard play golf
on the moon,
but no doubt he also made shaft, wood,
hole, ball, stroke and whacking jokes
the entire time.
While you said
"One small step for man..."
he said (probably)
"Man, gripping my shaft in
low gravity is fun."
Who really wins?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


A shoe! A shoe!
Not one
but two.
Something new
to view when
I do you!
In lieu
of true woo
it’d be cool
if you
wore the
the screw.